Seminarium HEP Białasówka / HEP Seminar

Prof. Wolfgang Schafer (IFJ PAN): Productin of pseudoscalar and scalar quarkonia in a light-front approach



We present a new approach for the prompt production of quarkonia which is based on the k_T factorization method. The production of even C-parity quarkonia proceeds via the fusion of two (off-shell) gluons. Especially in the kinematics of the LHCb experiment these processes are thus expected to be a sensitive probe of the small-x gluon distribution.
Our approach allows to calculate the relevant off-shell matrix elements in terms of the light-front wave functions of the quarkonium states.
To the lowest order in perturbation theory these matrix elements are related to the \gamma^* \gamma^* transition form factors.
We will present our results for scalar and pseudoscalar charmonia. We will discuss photon transition form factors as well as cross sections for prompt
We compare our results for the eta_c to the very recent LHCb data.

Important: This seminar is remote only due to the COVID-19 regulations
