1-3 July 2021
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Bi-layer temporal model of echo chambers and polarisation

2 Jul 2021, 17:00



Łukasz Gajewski (Warsaw University of Technology)


Echo chambers and polarisation dynamics are as of late a very prominent topic in scientific communities around the world. As these phenomena directly affect our lives, and seemingly more and more as our societies and communication channels evolve, it becomes ever so important to understand the intricacies of novel opinion dynamics in the modern era. We build upon an existing echo chambers and polarisation model and extend it onto a bi-layer topology allowing us to indicate the possible consequences of two interacting groups. We develop both agent-based simulations and mean field solutions showing that there are conditions in which the system can reach states of a neutral or polarised consensus, a polarised opposition, and even opinion oscillations.

Primary author

Łukasz Gajewski (Warsaw University of Technology)


Julian Sienkiewicz (Warsaw University of Technology) Janusz Hołyst (Warsaw University of Technology)

Presentation Materials