5:00 PM
Bi-layer temporal model of echo chambers and polarisation
Łukasz Gajewski
(Warsaw University of Technology)
5:01 PM
Three-state opinion q-voter model with bounded confidence
Maciej Doniec
(wrocław university of science and technology)
Wojciech Radosz
(Wroclaw University of Science and Technology)
5:02 PM
Diffusion of innovation on networks: agent-based vs. analytical approach
Mikołaj Szurlej
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Angelika Abramiuk-Szurlej
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
5:03 PM
Bias reduction in covariance matrices and its effects on high-dimensional portfolios.
Benito Rodriguez Camejo
(CIMAT Monterrey)
5:04 PM
The spread of ideas in a network – the garbage can model
Dorota Żuchowska-Skiba
(AGH Kraków)
5:06 PM
Multibranch multifractality and the phase transitions in the trading activity
Jarosław Klamut
(University of Warsaw)
5:07 PM
Discontinous phase transitions in the generalized q-voter model on random graphs
Jakub Pawłowski
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
Arkadiusz Lipiecki
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
5:08 PM
From relation to interactions: a case study in Reddit website
Robert Jankowski
(Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology)
5:09 PM
Information Measure for Long Range Correlated Time Series
Pietro Murialdo
(Politecnico di Torino)
5:10 PM
How social interactions lead to polarized relations?
Maciej Pawlik
(Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology )
5:11 PM
Archetypal analysis and classical segmentation methods. Comparison of two approaches on financial data.
Urszula Grzybowska
(Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW))
5:12 PM
Wealth transfer in an economy with two social groups
Thiago Dias
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)
5:13 PM
Hierarchy depth in directed networks
Krzysztof Suchecki
(Warsaw University of Technology)
5:14 PM
Scalable learning of independent cascade dynamics from partial observations
Mateusz Wilinski
(Los Alamos National Laboratory)
5:15 PM
Discontinuous phase transitions in the multi-state noisy q-voter model: quenched vs. annealed disorder
Bartłomiej Nowak
(Wrocław University of Science and Technology)
5:16 PM
Escaping polarization
Piotr Górski
(Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Physics)
5:18 PM
The Economic Impact of Modern Maritime Piracy
Jana Meles
(Politechnika Warszawa)
5:20 PM
Finding optimal strategies in the Yard-Sale model using neuroevolution techniques
Julian Neñer
(Balseiro Institute)
5:21 PM
Generic Features in the Spectral Decomposition of Correlation Matrices
Yuriy Stepanov
5:22 PM
In searching for possible relationships between the COVID-19 pandemic and the currency exchange rates via the Dynamic Time Warping method
Arkadiusz Orłowski
(Katedra Sztucznej Inteligencji, Instytut Informatyki Technicznej, SGGW w Warszawie, Poland)
5:42 PM
Weighted Axelrod model
Zuzanna Kalinowska
(Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University)