S3: S3
- Krzysztof Kułakowski (Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology)
Applying the Galam model of opinion dynamics to predict the outcome of the November 2020 US presidential election, I concluded on Trump victory at the edge. My prediction has failed. On the one hand, a massive Biden victory would have meant my failure was significant implying to revisit the basic elements of the model to find out which relevant ingredient has been missed. On the other hand,...
A common issue when analyzing real-world complex systems is that the interactions that characterize them often change over time: this makes it difficult to find optimal models that describe this evolution and can be estimated from data, particularly when the driving rules are not known. Here we offer a new perspective on the development of models for time-varying interactions introducing a...
We examine parliamentary attendance data of the 2008–2012, the 2012–2016 and the 2016–2020 legislatures of Lithuanian parliament. In our exploration of the data set we consider cumulative attendance series of the representatives in the parliament as individual traces of the particles. In this scenario we observe that empirical series exhibit superdiffusive behavior. Similar observation was...
The vulnerability of democratic processes is under scrutiny after scandals related to Cambrige Analytica (2016 U.S. elections, the Brexit referendum, and elections in Kenya). The deceptive use of social media in the US, the European Union and several Asian countries, increased social and political polarization across world regions. Finally, there are straightforward frauds like Crimea...